A car that won’t start could be down to a number of different things, but the fuel pump is often one fairly common culprit. In fact, failure by fuel pump amounted to over 1 in every 5 non-start vehicle cases. The fuel pump is tasked with delivering gasoline from the tank to the engine at just enough pressure—between 30 and 60 psi—to allow that process of combustion. although the car will not start at all or it is hard to do so〜.. → The car does not want to run more than this because there is no fuel needed for idling.
If your car cranks but won’t start, one major red flag for the fuel pump is this symptom alone. A no start with cranking is generally going to indicate a fuel delivery problem. Approximately one out of every seven roadside assistance calls received by the American Automobile Association (AAA) for a vehicle that would not start involves fuel pump or similar delivery system issues. Moreover, some modern vehicles can show signs of its impending doom by spitting or dying once in a while before the fuel pump finally gives out (Hinting replacement soon).
A second thing to remember is age. Average fuel pump lifespan is about 100,000 miles but depending on the quality of this tank and how often you keep it full (investment reserve or charity), your mileage may vary. If you often run your tank low, the pump is less likely to be submerged in fuel and will not stay as cool which could cause a failure before it should happen. One Consumer Reports test, for example, discovered that a vehicle moving with the petrol gauge showing less than ¼ of tank resulted in fuel pump lives being cut by as much as one-third.
Earlier this year, GM announced a recall of over 200,000 vehicles due to bad fuel pumps that were leaving drivers stranded with non-starting cars. It really demonstrates how vital the fuel pump is for an engine to run properly and remain reliable. One of the ways to extend a lifespan is frequent maintenance like changing out your fuel filter every 20,000-30,000 miles.
This quote by Henry Ford puts it into perspective: “You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do”. It serves as a reminder to be proactive in taking care of your vehicle. Fuel system problems are one of the quickest ways to end up with serious repairs and hopefully they prevent breakdowns.
You can also check to see if there is no fuel pressure with a Fuel Pressure Gauge (starting-iticulty-starting/) as this article discusses. If the pressure reading is well below what it should be, then you most likely need to get a replacement fuel pump.
If you would like to read more about how a failure in your Fuel Pump can cause undesirable vehicle breakdowns and what things are the best ways to recognize one, go into carparts-store.net where categories of quality products await for buyers.