To use a deep tissue massage tool innovatively, you have to comprehend the function of each part and learn how to utilize these parts as tools in sync with one another for maximum results. Before 2023, massage tools came of age- The market was valued at around $2 B+ as they proved one of the most favored personal wellness and physical therapy aids.
Begin by choosing a top-quality deep tissue massage tool with variable settings for intensity and speed. When it comes to a deep tissue massage profilers around 20-30 watts of energy are best because they generate enough force for reaching into the deeper muscle levels and do not click on too much discomfort. The Theragun PRO Operating speeds of 2400 per minute make this an all-around great massager.
Prescribe the Muscle Groups — Know which muscle areas to target before using this tool. This includes the back, shoulder, thighs or calves. One common use for cryo massage tools (as used in practice) is by professional athletes who apply them to the quadriceps or hamstrings after a tough training session. A 2022 study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine found that with consistent use, 85% of athletes had significant pain relief from deep tissue massage tools.
Use the massage tool on your desired location, beginning with low intensity sign. Stress the traumatic areas very gently but at a non painful level that will not hurt. Gently pass the tool over your muscles slowly. 5-10 minutes is a number to shoot for in bigger areas of muscle like the back or thighs. That amount of time guarantees proper coverage and does not over work the muscles.
Spend 20 to 30 seconds per knot or tight spot by leaving the gun on that area and not just moving it around over them. This method helps release muscle tension much more thoroughly. According to a licensed massage therapist, when you hold the tool on tight areas it mimics manual deep tissue pressure easily at your fingertips for targeted relief.
This may help to improve flexibility and over time, reduce pain. In 2021, a survey conducted by the American Massage Therapy Association revealed that 75% of respondents who used deep tissue massage tools for four weeks felt their muscle flexibility improved and almost every one of them had less chronic pain.
To get the best benefits, use massage balls right before you hydrate yourself and do stretching exercises. Substances are released throughout the massage which your body needs to effectively dispose of so drinking at least two glasses helps as well, however stretching is just good practice overall for keeping muscles flexible and improving results after a massage.
Make sure the tool is properly used to prevent any injury. Do not apply the massage tool with direct pressure on bones, joints or injured areas. If you are not sure how to use it correctly, you should ask the physical therapist or a massage specialist. They would walk you through everything that is at their disposal and avoid things like abuse of usage.
Click here to find the all-you-need-to-know guide for choosing & using deep tissue massage tool with keyword Deep Tissue Massage Tool This guide walks through the selection process for users and helps them ace how to use wand massagers effectively.
Follow these guidelines to do a deep tissue massage using the tool perfectly for muscle tension relief, flexibility enhancement and overall well-being.